If you return to the very first stage of the expression of your life, you touch that all-embracing love. Immediately love penetrates you. That is real love. Real love is very deep, profound, and sublime. We don’t know what it is intellectually, but we can experience it because we are already there.
*Dainin Katagiri. The Light That Shines through Infinity: Zen and the Energy of Life.
Walking, after arising early morning, bypassing the usual wish for coffee and readings first-thing. After a time of walking, exhausted I stand beside a tree, while looking out over the marsh decked in wintry white. I decide to rest against this tree at the edge of the marsh, hugging it and speaking words with it ~ in communing, there remains no speaking to. In relaxed, motiveless Receptivity, before this awe-inspiring vista, sense of separation melts away in the unseeable Sun of Silence. A self-sense, subtle, is present, a witness within all about, feeling an intimacy with no near or far. All is simply here, in pure Simplicity, as calming Quiet. This subtle self-sense, or higher Mind, recognizes and feels a Oneness, the only stable reality here. Recognition is spontaneously, effortlessly present that lack is not present and no particular form stands apart to itself, and even to say the particular blends into other particulars would be misleading. While forms are here, no object remains, for form has been denuded of objectivity; all forms remain, no object does. No form seeks communion with any form, for this is Communion. Each something is without border demarcating it from any other form, yet forms remain to be perceived within this Oneness as a unity, so, perceived only as in harmony with all else. Here, is seen the truth of the image of cloth and design.
How does Life adorn Itself with such an assortment of lives? Yet, It does, and without losing any of Itself in so doing. What is known here, now, is outside all ideas of how all this got here. Theory cannot find a place inside this placeless Sanctum.
Here, one discovers the self, with mind and body, is simply another expression of the one Silence speaking its Word into and through the somethings of all Nature. Here, one recognizes, through reposed consent, yielded to this immaculate Immensity, there is one Body alive and breathing, discovering Itself through the self of everyone and everything. Here, one enjoys repose, and leaving, one is thankful and changed in some way, and in what way one has no felt-need to know.
This is simply, then, one meeting with the Beatific, a Love holding the meeting of self and Other within Itself. Such Life is present, for Presence, equally in this one moving Moment, sometimes appearing veiled, sometimes unveiled, always the same glorious Glory.
this Silence ... Love, Harmony, Presence, Grace, Beauty ... is not something one finds
does not arise from anywhere
Silence is the no-whereness between words
Presence present before, within, and after the meeting of any presence with any presence
to know, simply inquire "From where does a word arise from?" "What is before and after a word comes into form?" "What is between words?"
you will see words, unlike Silence, arise from nowhere into form
all sound in Creation is created born of time, dying in time
Silence is timeless no beginning, no end birthless, deathless
so, Silence, being a fullness is not to be avoided as a lack
even as an absence of words for Silence is Plenitude, not poverty
no, we do not and cannot find Silence, Silence is ever-present
simply for one does not see the Sunlight does not mean the Light is hidden
Silence, like the Light, one may never 'see' for never posture the heart in lucid Attention
Silence, in giving, gives Itself and, with a "Yes," remains for a time in the foreground
and the more this occurs the more Silence-oriented the human consciousness becomes
before, one sought to live in Presence now, one becomes lived by Presence
this becoming keeps becoming and the background, Silence, becomes steadied as the foreground
not negating anything, for Silence is not opposite anything
Silence is absolute Positivity for without either "Yes" or "No"
transcending gloriously all contrasts, for prior to all contrasts
in Silence all is primordially one all becomes one, again, by Grace
when introduced to Beauty by Beauty in the breathing nowness of this one Moment
*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2018.